
ThisisansimpleprojectwithPythonandOpencvforauto-gamingonLytocolorgame.TheprojectisinspiredbykketernalityandOuYangMinOa.,【#最新影片】點擊不同的顏色修改分數LytoDifferentColorGameHack一分鐘教你如何修改分數,不要再繼續傷眼睛了#歡迎分享 ...,LytoDifferentColorisacolordifferentiationgameonFacebook.Eachlevel,thereareNxNcirclesonaboard,withonecirclehavinga ...,最近FB是回歸了嗎...

Hacking for Lyto Different Color Game with OpenCV

This is an simple project with Python and Opencv for auto-gaming on Lyto color game. The project is inspired by kketernality and OuYangMinOa.


【#最新影片】點擊不同的顏色修改分數Lyto Different Color Game Hack 一分鐘教你如何修改分數,不要再繼續傷眼睛了 #歡迎分享 ...

Lyto Different Color AI - Chih

Lyto Different Color is a color differentiation game on Facebook. Each level, there are NxN circles on a board, with one circle having a ...

lyto different color 玩到第幾關才不算色弱? - 遊戲

最近FB是回歸了嗎?記得以前大家都會一起玩battle pk,之後好像就再也沒碰過FB的遊戲,這幾天動態一直出現lyto different color,阿到底要玩到第幾關才算 ...

Lyto-Different-Color Plug-in

Lyto-Different-Color It's basically a simple color recognition game, when I saw this game for the first time, I had the idea of using python ...

Simple Hack for Lyto Different Color Game | by JH Lin

This a simple and rough tutorial for playing Lyto Different Color game automatically. Here is the Python source code for this tutorial.

一週主題穿搭 色弱測驗Lyto Different Color 如果變成穿搭模式


破解顏色成份可以得出任何顏色| 極度簡易小技巧| 親子遊戲

破解顏色成份可以得出任何顏色| 極度簡易小技巧| 親子遊戲| crack color components | #colors #屯門畫室. 1.5K views · 1 year ago ...more ...

點擊不同的顏色修改分數Lyto Different Color Game Hack

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